As a competitive bid project, Colliers Turley Martin Tucker (agent for the owner), requested bids to caulk the window perimeters (aluminum to precast concrete) and all precast to precast concrete joints of the 10-story Edward Jones South Campus Facility. In addition to the caulking, the scope of work included cleaning of the precast concrete panels. Western Specialty Contractors’ St. Louis Concrete Branch was successful on the bid process and retained to perform the scope of work.
During the bid process, Western submitted value engineering for the owner and agent to consider. Both urethane and silicone caulking were priced (existing building caulk was urethane). It was also suggested a sample of cleaning be provided before a decision was made. The client wanted to compare the outcome of cleaning with high pressure water only and Light Duty Restoration Cleaner, by Prosoco.
After life expectancy, warranty, cost, and physical appearance from samples installed were evaluated, it was approved and work commenced using Dow Corning 790 Silicone Sealant for the caulking and Light Duty Restoration Cleaner for the cleaning process. Due to the magnitude of the scope, the work was broken into phases to allow for better scheduling of work for tenant notice and tracking of work completed. The scope included approximately 54,000 lineal feet of caulking and some 73,000 square feet of cleaning.
Western completed four phases of restoration. During the sequence of work, sealing and maintenance of the cleaned facade was discussed and through recommendations from the material supplier (Goedecke Company), a sample area was completed using WeatherSeal Siloxane PD by Prosoco. Upon review and acceptance of the sample area and its performance, the cleaned precast concrete was then sealed.
Tight coordination and scheduling with Colliers Turley Martin Tucker was required to keep all tenants of the building aware of sequencing of work. Access to balconies (through occupied office space) was necessary for work to be completed thus scheduling with the tenants was mandatory. Also, work outside high profile areas (meeting rooms, conference rooms, specific offices, etc.) had to be scheduled to allow work to take place when these precise areas were not occupied.