The Western Resource Library
Caulking & Sealants | Unlocking the Basics
This quick resource will help you decode any jargon you encounter for caulking and sealants.
Parking Garage Guidance | Unlocking the Basics
Parking garage maintenance and repair is critical for high-performing properties. But sometimes, the terms you hear from contractors or read in proposals sound like a foreign language. This reference guide includes straightforward definitions and pictures to help you navigate your way through confusing construction jargon.
Masonry Master | Unlocking the Basics
This guide will help you keep masonry terms straight. Each term has a quick definition and picture to help.
Roof Visual Guide
Since exposure to the elements is a given and the effects of time are unavoidable, having a comprehensive roof asset management plan is the right business decision. Expensive leaks can be prevented. Emergency repairs can be reduced. And costs can be reduced sharply. But to get these benefits, you’ll need to implement effective roof inspections. This visual guide will help you do just that.