Building inspections are the easiest and least expensive way to get started with a preventative maintenance program that gets you results.
A quick building inspection eliminates those expensive and unexpected repairs that give building managers nightmares.
Think about your car for a second. What do you do when your check oil light comes on? You probably don’t panic and immediately head towards the nearest auto shop.
But you make a mental note and plan to get your oil changed soon. One thing nobody does is ignore their oil light until their car breaks down.
Getting your oil changed isn’t fun. It takes some time, is a little inconvenient, and costs a bit of money. But you do it anyway because you know what the consequences are if you don’t.
Essentially, your check oil light is a warning to take action to avoid a bigger problem.
Here’s the thing.
Your building gives you these same warnings.
Unfortunately, no light that pops up. So the key is being able to spot those warnings. That way, you can avoid the impending expensive and surprising repairs.
Why building inspections are so important
Your building is made up of a lot of different parts, and they work together to perform all the normal functions of a building.
Those parts don’t last forever. They need to be maintained and replaced at different intervals, just like a car.
Think about a car’s oil, tires, and brakes. Each one of those items works properly for a different amount of time before needing to be replaced.
In other words, you don’t replace your tires every time you get an oil change.
That’s why it’s so crucial to know the current condition of each of your building components, which is exactly what inspections allow you to do.
The major benefits of building inspections
Like we talked about earlier, your building gives you warning signs that it needs maintenance soon.
Each building component gives you a warning that says, “I’m about to stop working. You can either pay a little now and avoid a big problem. Or you can do nothing. But you’re going to pay a lot and have a big problem later.”
A building inspection assesses the current condition of each building component and determines if these warning signs are present.
When you perform a building inspection, you take all the surprises out of the equation.
That’s because when you know the current condition of your building, you know what maintenance work you’ll need in the future.